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Senior Lending Consultant

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Damian McLachlan Profile

I joined the Provident team at the beginning of 2016 following 10 years experience in both the business and private banking sector.


It has been an exciting two years under the mentorship of Trent and the whole team at Provident. The focus of our clients, their needs and the continuous reflection on how we can improve our service, resonates with me every day.


Our clients reason for requiring finance are as individual as they are. By understanding these, it inspires me to administer tailored lending solutions that are aligned with their financial and personal aspirations, and ultimately to make a difference in peoples lives.


I am also an avid sports fan who participates actively in the local community, primarily through Kallaroo Cricket Club where I am a past President and current player.

Provident Supportung Local Business owners and self employed with Home loans car loans and business loans
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Provsight Pty Ltd ABN 14 160 210 079 trading as Provident Lending & Business Solutions, Australian Credit Licence No. 429904.

The information on this website does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.


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